Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Olive Oil Tasting Class

4/19/2016 - Thessaloniki, GREECE

We traveled close to six hours north and have arrived at the American Farm School in Thessaloniki.  This  boarding school was founded by an American who wanted to help Greek orphans learn how to work the land and support themselves.  It now is a very impressive agriculture school in which students grow their own olives and make olive oil, grapes for wine, cows and goat for milk and feta and chickens for eggs.  We were given a brief lecture on olive oil then taught how to judge its quality.
We had a wonderful dinner with the director of the school's wife and a few of the teacher's and students.

Olive Tree
Olive Oil tasting is very similar to wine tasting
My favorite!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had fun... I think it's unique that you had an olive oil tasting. I hope you had an awesome trip.
