Friday, February 14, 2014

Surprisingly in Singapore

It has been a long few travel days and we are still not quite to Bangkok, Thailand yet.  We have an unexpected layover in Singapore tonight and are presently hanging out in an airport traveler's lounge catching up on our blogs, sleep and some very nice food that is being provided to us (spicy seafood & noodles).  Here is an overview of our flights thus far.  A big snow storm was coming into Japan so we were advised to fly to Singapore while we could, so that we would not get stuck in the snow storm in Japan. The plane that was originally supposed to fly us from Japan to Thailand never left San Francisco.

It's always important to be flexible when you travel and not stay too wedded to your planned itinerary because there are a lot of things that can happen to your plans that you have no control over.  Sometimes you just have to go with the flow .

Thursday AM -         Boston to Chicago (3 hours flight)
Thursday -Friday     Chicago to Japan  ( 13 hours)
Friday- Sat               Japan to Singapore ( 7 hours)
Sat AM                    Singapore - Bangkok (Thailand)  (3 hours)

So we will arrive in Bangkok tomorrow, check into our hotel and then head straight out to do some sightseeing.  After that we will have a special dinner with Thai educators.

 I am now going to go for a long walk in the deserted airport (it's 2:30 in the morning) to stretch my legs , then come back and curl up on the floor of the lounge with my travel pillow and blanket and catch a few hours sleep since we will be missing our hotel room sleep tonight in Bangkok and have a full days of activities tomorrow

My yummy  snack at the Singapore airport lounge ......MEE SIAM GORANG ....spicy noodles with shrimp.

Word/Phrase of the Day:

Hello     sa-wut- dee-ka (if you are a girl)
                    sa-wu-dee-krup (if you are a boy)


  1. That is a long time on an airplane. WOW! Glad you are an avid reader and world traveler.

  2. It is great to finally be in Thailand today. The flight was really long but it wasn't too bad....I had very nice people to talk to and could watch some fun movies as well! Big hugs to you and our sweet kids.

    1. Hi Mrs. Verra,
      What types of snacks and beverages did you have on your flights?
      What movies did you watch?
      -Emma McNamara

    2. Hi Emma. The majority of the food on the planes was Asia. I typically only drink water on international flights so I don't get as jet-lagged. My favorite beverage here was drinking coconut straight from the the fruit. I am eating very well here. I had to go back to read this post so am now five days in and love the food. I watched a lot of action movies on the plane. I like spy movies!.. thanks for your post!

  3. Since the international terminal of the airport is the first place visitors to a country see, I'm interested in your impressions of the Singapore airport. How does the government portray the country through this building? Is there a lot of security? Are the stores selling food mostly local brands or are there international names throughout? Happy that you're making the best of the long trip!

  4. Thomas , sorry this is so quick but it is now five days after your question. Singapore airport in the middle of night is very desolate but beautiful. It was the five star of airport experiences. We were ushered to a private lounge with delicious food, showers and WIFI in comfy chairs. No security to speak of in the middle of the night.
