Saturday, January 25, 2014

Anti-Government Protests In Thailand Adds New Twist to Upcoming Trip!

So it has been a long time since my last post and there are some big concerns hovering around my great Thailand adventure coming up in a few weeks.  

Thailand has recently been hit with major anti-government protests after a few years of relative calm. The issue revolves around the former Prime Minister , Mr. Thaksin who lives in self-imposed exile  after being tossed out by a military coup in 2006 due to corruption charges.  He still remains popular with the majority of rural voters.  His sister is the current Prime Minister and she is also being accused of corruption having to due with a rice subsidy scandal.  She is also supported by rural voters while anti-government protestors want to see her booted from her office.  New elections will be February 2.  Nine people have died in the protests that started out peacefully and have lately escalated to violence with both sides blaming each other.

We are keeping in close touch with  our contacts in Thailand who will be assisting on our trip and hoping that things die down after the February elections.  It is ALWAYS important to check the United States  government websites that let American citizens know if it is safe to travel to different regions of the world.  

Please click on the website below to read an news article from the BBC regarding the Anti-government protests in Thailand


  1. Hi Mrs. Verra!
    I was doing some research ( on the time difference in Thailand and found out that it is about 4am there, while its 4pm here.
    Have fun on your trip!
    -Emma McNamara

  2. Thanks Emma. Yes , Thailand is 12 hours ahead of time from the US so it is easy to know what time it is at home.
