Saturday, August 20, 2016

Serengeti, Tanzania
17 August 2016

We rode in a safari Jeep for over 12 hours today over very dry and vast area and found some very beautiful animals on the Serengeti Plain...we had a up close view of a lioness and enjoyed seeing hippos crocs, giraffes, zebras, gazelles  and lots of wildebeests.
This "cute" little monkey and his friends climbed into the open top of our jeep and stole our snacks!

The highlight of the day was viewing this  beautiful
animals. Later in the day we came across two male lions.

The hippos were very large, loud, stinky and magnificat.

I never tired looking at these long-legged, long-necked  creatures.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Mt. Olympus - Home of the Gods!

4/21/2016 - Mt. Olympus Views 

I always have a smile on my face while on one of my favorite world mountains.  It is where I am always meant to be!  Olympus is actually a collection of 12 mountain peaks.  There was refreshing spring water and pretty waterfalls.


4/21/2016 (Fri.) - Mt. Olympus

On our drive up to a mountain lodge on Olympus (home of Zeus and the gods) , we came across a monk tending his goats.


Silly...enough said.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Best lunch ever!

4/20/2006 - Aristotelous (Aristotle) Square - Thessalonki

Pork Gyro with Tzatziki Sauce

Greeks eat their gyros stuffed with french fries.
I did not want my shaved pork flavor muddled
with fries so opted for just the meat, sauce and tomatoes
and onions scrammed in the bottom of the

Greek Orthodox Churches

4/20/2016 - Thessalonki, Greece

This morning we did a tour of a few Greek churches.  One of them, is said to be the place where St. Paul( Convent of Vlatadon) stayed while he was trying to convert people to Christianity.  The other church is dedicated to the patron saint of Thessalonki which is St. Demetrius.  We learned about the positioning of the icons in the church...Mary and Jesus always to the left and Jesus to the right, and how women and men stand on two different sides of the church.  We lit a candle and said some prayers for our guide Maura , who is not feeling well these past few days.  The ancient walls of the city were quite interesting because they showed the different periods of who was in charge...Romans, Turks and Greeks.
St. Demetrius
You must stand when the gospels are being read.  If you are
elderly or have trouble standing , these chairs with seats that
will flip up will give you support while you stand.
Notice the position of the icons

Fish & Bones

4/19/2016 - ITEA, Greece

Grilled Sea bass for lunch at a seaside town near Delphi... 
Before and After...